Design Manager at SmartRecruiters. Co-founder of UXConf. Based in Berlin.

Design Manager at SmartRecruiters. Co-founder of UXConf. Based in Berlin.

Design Manager at SmartRecruiters. Co-founder of UXConf. Based in Berlin.

For more than 20 years, I’ve been working as a Product Designer, mostly in the B2B SaaS space. As a co-founder of UXConf BR (since 2015), I help to build and grow the design community. As a leader, I help teams to have productive conversations and make better decisions.




A huge part of my career has been dedicated to giving talks at international conferences, publishing articles, and sharing my ideas in multiple formats.

Design as the art of materializing business decisions
Talk about what Interaction Designers have in common with Business Analysts. Presented at IxD 16, Finland, and ISA 15, Argentina.

How to create an entire presentation before opening PowerPoint
Article on planning presentations in advance, with a focus on the message.

UX designer transitioning from Brazil to Europe
A series of 3 articles about my journey, from applying to finally getting job offers in the EU during the pandemic.

Guide for submitting talks at conferences
Article and presentation with practical advice on how to write a proposal that will get to the stage. Presented at ISA 16, Chile.

Speaking visually is the new “designers should code”
In this hand-drawn presentation, I show how you can use sketches in your product or personal life. Presented at ISA 17, Brazil.

Guide to speaking at conferences
Article with tips on how to communicate your message in the best way possible.

Tips on remote interviews
Video interview — back on April 2020 — on how to prepare for remote interviews. Xlab Design is a popular Brazilian youtube channel on design.

Designers in (form)action (version 1 and version 2)
Article on what actions designers are made of. A graphic resume can be found here.

Survival guide for visual notes
Article with a small framework to help people create personal notes that stick.

User Experience Design: someone is doing it for you
A self-published ebook, talking about how one can own UX Design (not the UX itself). The book is free and was downloaded 5K times.

Contributor in Mike Rohde’s Sketchnote Workbook
One of my sketches was included in this book which teaches people the basics of sketch noting.

Let's get to know each other.

Let's get to know each other.

Let's get to know each other.